Preventive Medicine is where Ayurveda plays a major role in our healthcare system. A holistic way of healing which encompasses the mind body and consciousness is the core strength of this ancient Indian wisdom.
The main aim of Ayurveda is – To promote or maintain the health of the healthy, prevent and cure the diseases of the ill
The following are the main aspects Ayurveda focuses on when it comes to preventive healthcare –
- Diet
- Sleep
- Healthy daily routine
- Healthy seasonal routine
- Panchakarma
- Various herbal combinations and decoctions
- Exercise
- Meditation, Pranayam
- Use of Rasayana (Rejuvenating herbal preparations)
Diet has been given the most importance in Ayurved and is regarded as the first pillar of life. You are what you eat. Diet should be the first and foremost line of treatment to attain a balanced physiology.
Ayurvedic diet along with herbs, panchakarma treatments is the most effective way to provide a holistic way of healing and rejuvenation.